Filed under: Midrash -- Translations into English Tales and Maxims From the Midrash , by Samuel Rapaport (HTML at sacred-texts.com) The Legends of the Jews (legends volumes only (others are not public domain)) , by Louis Ginzberg, trans. by Henrietta Szold and Paul Radin, contrib. by Isaac Husik (Gutenberg and Internet Archive texts and page images) Midrash synonyms, Midrash pronunciation, Midrash translation, English dictionary definition of Midrash. n. pl. Mid·rash·im Any of a group of Jewish commentaries on the Hebrew Scriptures compiled between ad 200 and 1200 and
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By Rabbi Dr. Azriel Rosenfeld “Midrash” is a summary of the non-Halachic material in the Talmud, based on the classical compilation “EIN YA’AKOV” The Torah not only contains legal principles (“Halachah”), but also teaches many other things from which we can derive important moral and philosophical lessons; this non-legal aspect of the Torah is …
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